Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Say No to Success

Ok. I'm back like the company in Jeff Tweedy's back.

So this time, I'm just gonna write for 20 minutes. Whatever happens, happens. And whatever happens with Bob Loblaw's Mom, stays with Bob Loblaw's Mom. This is sorta like what McSweeny's did once. (http://www.believermag.com/)

Continuing in the same thread as my last post, here's some more problems with drugs in this country. So here's a question for kids of my approximate age; How many kids did you know back in elementary school who took Ritalin (its easy, its good, right Foo Fighters fans?) or some some other medication? How many kids did you know who were on what I call "The Meds" of some sort in middle school? Now, I realize this is entirely unscientific, (sorry Phil), but my feeling is that the use of "The Meds", (Ritalin, whatever else they prescribe for kids these days), is way, way up in the last 10 years.

So accepting the premise that there are more kids on "The Meds" now than there used to be, what is this teaching our children? Remember "Say No to Drugs"? Remember how that runs directly counter the message pharmaceutical companies send, "Say Yes to Happiness/Drugs"? Well how about, "Here son, I know you've been having trouble concentrating in class, but take these drugs and your class performance should improve in no time." "Take these drugs and you will be more like the productive successful person everyone tells you you should be." In between sips of coffee, "Take these drugs and it will help you."

They might as well be saying, "Say No to Success."

I've got 4 minutes left, and I'd like to add the additional "Anti-Say No to Drugs" message that kids see.

What do mom and dad drink in the morning to help them wake up?
What does dad have in order to relax after a long hard stressful day at work?
What does dad take if he has sore muscles and a stiff back after work?

That's right. The answers to those questions are drugs, drugs, and drugs, respectively. In the parlance of our times we say, Coffee, Beer, and Ibuprofen.

Time's up. Time for a beer to go with that pizza.

Marcus Singer


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